Thin layer of glass obtained by blowing, used to protect the gold leaf in gold mosaics.
CROGIOLO (Crucible)
A refractory container used for melting glass.
FOGLIA D’ORO (Gold Leaf)
Thin sheet of gold placed between the cartellina and the base in gold mosaics.
FORNO DI FUSIONE (Melting Furnace)
A brick furnace powered by methane gas, where crucibles are placed for glass melting.
FORNO DI RICOTTURA (Annealing Furnace)
A furnace where glass plates are slowly cooled.
FILIGRANA (Filigree): Filigree is made of a crystal rod with a thin colored thread inside, generally opaque, used by master glassmakers to create refined and valuable objects. The filigree rod is supplied in lengths of about 1 meter in bundles of 10 kg per color and diameter, or in a cut format, at 3/4 mm in height, assorted in bags of 5 kg per diameter. It is available in diameters ranging from 4/5 mm to 12/13 mm, and upon request, diameters smaller or larger than the standard can also be supplied.
FUSIONE (Melting)
The process of transforming vitrifiable mixtures into glass at high temperatures (over 1000°C).
Material capable of withstanding heat without deforming or corroding.
MICROMOSAICO (Micromosaic)
Mosaic made of tiny tiles obtained from spun glass (very thin glass rods).
MILLEFIORI: Millefiori are layered glass rods with different colors, created in multiple phases by using molds into which molten glass is poured and then covered with as many layers of glass as there are in the design to be obtained. This process continues until a large glass mass is formed, which is then “pulled” to cool down and produce the rods that are later cut to about one meter in length. There is a considerable availability of colors in the millefiori category, as well as the possibility to create custom designs according to the customer’s specific needs.
Millefiori is supplied in rods of about one meter in length, in bundles of 10 kg per diameter and color, or in a pre-cut format with a height of approximately 3/5 mm or around 7 mm, packed in bags of 5 kg per color and diameter. Additionally, pre-cut millefiori is available in 5 kg bags assorted in transparent or opaque colors.
MOSAICO (Mosaic)
An ensemble of small elements, called tiles, that create the mosaic artwork.
PIASTRA (Glass Plate)
A round or oblong glass plate obtained from molten glass using a press or roller.
After annealing, the plate is cut using diamond tools and special shears with hardened steel blades to produce mosaic tiles.
SMALTO (Enamel)
Colored glass, generally opaque, used for decoration and coating.
A small, usually regular-shaped piece of glass used in mosaics, obtained from the glass plate through successive cuts.
TRASPARENTI (Transparent Glass)
Transparent glass used in mosaic artworks.